Many Big Sticks – One Small Fly

On the 12th of October 1972 a informal group of high ranking state and city officials consisting of; The State Audit, The Custom Office Chief, The Deputy State Prosecutor, The Tax Inspector General, representative from The Criminal Court of Reykjavik, unknown representative from The Chief of Reykjavik Police, a detective from the small town of …

Blackmail and Elections Meddling

In 1956 the centre-left government came to power under a leadership of strong centre party Framsóknarflokkurinn (Progress Party) with a Co-op background (a Esso beneficiary) along with Alþýðuflokkurinn (The People’s Party) a classical Nordic anti-communist social democratic party, (a BP beneficiary) and Alþýðubandalagið (The Peoples Alliance) a left social-democratic party, considered by the US as …

Mál 214

A High Court case 214/78 in Iceland, where six young people Albert Klahn Skaftason b.1955, Erla Bolladóttir b. 1955, Guðjón Skarphéðinsson b. 1943, Kristján Viðar Viðarsson b. 1955, Sævar Marinó Ciesielski b. 1955-2011, and Tryggvi Rúnar Leifsson b. 1951-2009 were convicted for two murders without no evidence whatsoever. Officially named “Mál 214/78” [1]. “Case (Mál) …