Many Big Sticks – One Small Fly

On the 12th of October 1972 a informal group of high ranking state and city officials consisting of; The State Audit, The Custom Office Chief, The Deputy State Prosecutor, The Tax Inspector General, representative from The Criminal Court of Reykjavik, unknown representative from The Chief of Reykjavik Police, a detective from the small town of Kópavogur and K Pétursson, the meeting that day [16] was to discuss the possibility of seizing the bookkeeping from a certain nightclub in Reykjavík. After this meeting, all but The State Audit and The Custom Office Chief, did stage a raid on the nightclub two days later, based on false claim from K Pétursson, that the night club was selling smuggled alcohol and moonshine inside the club and seized the bookkeeping.

At that time it was widely believed, that every night club had something to hide, nothing serious, but still.. The plan was simple, to raid the club under the pretext of looking for unlawful alcohol and seize its bookkeeping. Then, through excessive and unlawful penalty measure, that is to close the Klúbb for indefinite time and by doing so force the owners of the club to seek help from the only source left, The Ministry of Justice [16a].

The Minister of Justice Ó Jóhannesson, also chairman of Framsóknarflokk and as a former professor of law at the University of Iceland, he was bound to see the injustice and point out the problem.

The Klúbb attorney complained to the ministry after three days. Aware of something and careful as not to walk straight into trap the minister/ministry sent a low level representative to the Police Chief S. Sigurðsson. The ministry pointed out to the police the lawlessness of this penalty, which was then consequently called off by the police and the night club was reopened.

K Pétursson at this time a self declared anti-corruption champion and H Einvarðsson Deputy State Prosecutor, wasted no time and, and with the help of some waiting friendly newspapers and journalists [16b] [16c], they promoted the idea that the Justice Minister was a special protector of the owners of the Klúbb. They portrayed themselves as honest investigators trying to do their job but finding their investigations hindered by minister of justice. They claimed it was an obvious case of corruption. Both risking heavy consequences in a case of a coup failure.

Now all they needed to do was to look into the seized bookkeeping and try to find some dirt and then confront the minister through the press and ask him if that was what he was protecting for the corrupt club owners. They assumed that this fragile government would not be able to survive, even a scandal of relatively small magnitude.

Early 1973, after some months of intensive scrutinizing of the bookkeeping they had found nothing. The bookkeeping of the Klúbb was in impeccable order, no dirt no stink, a bad failure and their was plan ruined. There was to be no direct attack on the minister coming from this, no political scandal and his weak government lived to see another day.

And yet a myte was to be born about special relationship between Ó Jóhannesson and corruption and became a mantra for next three years.

The Klúbbaffair case can be seen as a first attempt to try to overthrow this government and as such a “innocent” plan/conspiracy, a straightforward smear campaign much practised at that time of the Intel community. [17] and probably a Icelandic hacked plan, but it did not work and it appeared like the military base was still going be terminated but then something much more outlandish was to come.

Blackmail and Elections Meddling

In 1956 the centre-left government came to power under a leadership of strong centre party Framsóknarflokkurinn (Progress Party) with a Co-op background (a Esso beneficiary) along with Alþýðuflokkurinn (The People’s Party) a classical Nordic anti-communist social democratic party, (a BP beneficiary) and Alþýðubandalagið (The Peoples Alliance) a left social-democratic party, considered by the US as “communists” and announced their intention to close down US military activity on Keflavík-airport and at same time the government also moved the fishing limits from 4 miles to 12.

The British send in the Navy to protect British trawlers and the Icelandic government promptly turned to the Americans and demanded that they talk the British out of the fishing limits before any further talk about the Keflavík base would continue. Little later in 1958, the government was brought down by a huge corruption case called The Esso affair. [9] [9a] A huge quantum of oil and related products were imported by the US army to the Keflavík base and sold to Esso without tax and then sold by Esso to Icelandic customers with tax. It has never been confirmed whether the three top army brass removed from the base afterwards got promotion or prison sentence.

In 1959 after the Eisenhower administration had reacted to a threat about the future of American military presence in Iceland, (Vice President Nixon was a specialist in toppling governments), made by at that time centre-left government, by using Esso as “corruption” tool on the Framsóknarflokk. In the elections in the wake of the Party’s disgrace, a big victory brought to power a strong government consisting of two parties, Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (The Independence Party) a long time dominant in Icelandic politics, anti-communist, (a Shell beneficiary) very pro-American/NATO, right party and Alþýðuflokkurinn (The People’s Party). A agreement was made which allowed the US to keep a naval air base at Keflavik airport for time of being.

In 1971 after twelve years, a centre-left government took power again under the leadership of the centre party Framsóknarflokk again, along with Alþýðubandalagið (The Peoples Alliance) and also in the government were some weak freelance social democrats elements.

The government declared a new fishing limits from 12 to 50 miles and later to 200 miles. The British send in the Navy. The government start the termination of the military agreement between Iceland and the US. Some part of history was going to repeat itself.

In order to bring down this time, a centre-left government who had set in motion termination of this important US agreement between the two states, there was this little plan.

Ólafur Jóhannesson

The idea was to discredit key minister and his party by corruption charges and try to force early election under such conditions. Certain political elements figured out that if they could destabilize the very fragile government by discrediting a key player, in this case the Prime/Justice minister, Ólafur Jóhannesson [10], from the all important centre party, Framsóknarflokk, they could bring about a desired change of government and thus keep the military agreement in place.

The way to take down the Party, Framsóknarflokk, this time around, was to take advantage of a connection between the Party and a popular nightclub “Klúbburinn” (The Club) in Reykjavík which operated in a building owned by the Framsóknarflokkurinn and build up a corruption rumor. Place like this and all others “nightclubs“ in Reykjavík at that time, were open between 2100 and 0100, popular and safe places as such.

Kristján Pétursson a Deputy Chief Custom and Immigration Officer on Keflavík international Airport, a fairly well known character with a strong alleged ties to US intelligence services, going back to 1957, when training at Fort Gordon [11], Georgia USA, who later boasted of in his memories, that he had been declared Persona non grata in 1960 for his part in the Esso affair. In his own words -That the ministry and his police superiors refused to take responsibility for his actions without dismissing him-. [11a p.99] K Pétursson appears on the scene in the summer of 1972 in the role of a self-degleard narco agent and becomes fully involved in this conspiracy for its duration, along with some Icelandic officials like Deputy State Prosecutor Hallvarður Einvarðsson [12] and others less visible in the beginning.

Those seen in the early stage this conspiracy or the original conspiracy, called “Klúbbmál“, are considered to be Icelandic arm of US Intelligence service’s under the control of the long time powerful Police Chief of Reykjavík, Sigurjón Sigurðsson [13] a well known nasi-sympathiser before war and installed as police chief in 1947 amid the cold war to serve to 1985.

In 1972 his deputy Ásgeir Friðjónsson [14] became the only judge of newly formed narco court, FED (FíkniefnaDómstóllinn) who basically did plain fundamental things like wiretapping, spying on and interrogate people, from where K Pétursson operated and found his victims in this case, although he was never the courts officially agent. The similarity with the then also newly formed Nixon’s DEA in 1972, with its heavily infested CIA connectivity is noticeable [15][15a].

Mál 214

A High Court case 214/78 in Iceland, where six young people Albert Klahn Skaftason b.1955, Erla Bolladóttir b. 1955, Guðjón Skarphéðinsson b. 1943, Kristján Viðar Viðarsson b. 1955, Sævar Marinó Ciesielski b. 1955-2011, and Tryggvi Rúnar Leifsson b. 1951-2009 were convicted for two murders without no evidence whatsoever. Officially named “Mál 214/78” [1].

“Case (Mál) 214/78“. Among public named “Guðmundar and Geirfinnsmál“. The name comes from Guðmundur Einarsson mechanical student age 18 and Geirfinnur Einarsson age 32, constructor worker, husband and father of two, They were not related nor connected in anyway and both disappeared without traces in 1974, Guðmundur on early hours of 27th of January in Hafnarfirði and Geirfinnur on the 19th of November in Keflavík. The two where quite ordinary without affiliation to anything like politics or underworld but like most of the victims here they had a weak social background at that time.

Sadly the name is a understatement as the disappearance of the two could not have happened without the so-called “Klúbbmál” (The Club case/affair). A nightclub with vague connection [2] [2a] to one political party as it rented its locals in a house owned by the party. That case is like a seem trough the whole case which started in 1972 and is the political aspect of this case from 1972 till 1976.

Those six were convicted without any evidence, any motive and no bodies, only their confessions, which is proofed [3 p.469] [3a part III p.329] to have been obtained by torture in the longest periods of isolation ever served in Iceland and coerced to admit and accuse others of murders that were made into political affairs. Erla and Sævar had alibi in both cases, hidden by the “investigators”. In Guðmundcase, Erla [3b II p.162] Sævar [3c III p.63] Geirfinncase Sævar [3d XX p.194] Erla [3e X p.54].

The disappearances were from the beginning misused for political gains trough this Klúbbmál by something we can call intelligence elements in Iceland. Political murders are unheard of in modern Icelandic history, one has to go back at least 800 hundred years to find such things and the brutality that was applied, which amount to bestiality is also of a unheard magnitude.

Bearing in mind that this was a time of Operation Gladio [4] [5] [6] with its extreme excess of brutality and that there are the same people that are operating at this time and in the light of how unique this experience was for everyone involved, the question has to be asked, if this was some kind of a test that the Icelandic intelligence branch was put through.


In April 1972 there was a sudden change of ambassador in the US embassy in Iceland where relatively ordinary ambassador was replaced by a hard core guy hand picked by president Nixon, Fredrick Irving [7] who got his commission from both State department and Pentagon. After Nixon’s leaving office Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State is to manage the affair even after Fredrick Irving departure in April 1976. [7a]

Karl Schütz

Fredrick Irving a career diplomat was said to have alias as Mr. Fix-it or simply “The Fixer” he served in Iceland from 1972 to 1976 and was to be an ambassador in Jamaica in 1978-9. He left as these events where cooled down with the arrival of high ranking German BKA intelligence officer Karl Schutz [8], who came a few weeks after Fredrick Irving departure to start the clean up.

This was a clear CIA operation and was put in action for special circumstances, namely the dispute of the fishing limits with the British and others and how the Icelandic government tried to drag the US military interests into the matter by make them put pressure on the British to get out of the new fishing limits, but in the end, it also involved NATO matters which can explain why some of the highest level of the German intelligence community appearance as a ”cleaning team” afterwards.

Blackmailing The Bad Boys

In May/June 1973 there was a meeting in the cultural house of Kjarvalsstaðir [18] in Reykjavík Iceland between US President Nixon and French President Pompidou. Meeting in Iceland was at the French insistence for they did not want to go to the US and for Nixon it was fine not to go to Europe at that time. There was only one minor snag.

The Icelandic government had been pressuring Nixon to pressure Britain to get out of Icelandic fishing limits or else… the base! [19]

The Americans where planing not to meet Icelandic ministers exempt at a formal Presidential dinner but at the end of a two days meeting with Pompidou as Nixon was preparing to leave the meeting place Kjarvalsstadir to Keflavik airport, the Icelandic Prime Minister Ó Jóhannesson along with Foreign Minister Einar Ágústsson forced their way accompanied by the non-political Icelandic President Dr. Kristján Eldjárn. The politicians confronted Nixon about those issues quite frankly and when Nixon try to answer that they, the US, had no saying over the British he was asked back if they were not as powerful as they said they where, which left the Americans “in wonderment“ according to one witness Henry Kissinger [20]. Some days later, on the 12th of June Icelandic government formally informed the US ambassador of its intention to terminate the Keflavik naval airport base agreement.

Kissinger talks in his memories about this meeting, that they were being blackmailed or “threatened” (Tyranny of the weak, a Bismarck’s thoughts) [20a]. President Eisenhower had his experience of being blackmailed by the weak, with the Icelanders in the Fifties in a similar case where the issues where the same, fishing limits and the future of US base in Iceland. In the wake of that „blackmail“ there were consequences and a massive political punishment for those involved, as mentioned earlier (The Esso-affair), however though without manslaughter as happened later on in the case of Guðmund and Geirfinn.

Anyhow it was not a good idea to try to blackmail or otherwise make those like Nixon and Kissinger angry with their nasty mind and lust for revenge as Chile was about to find out in that same year 1973 [21].

In the early autumn of 1973 K Pétursson from Keflavik airport customs and Valtýr Sigurðsson [22] [22a] Assistant Criminal Judge in Keflavík, go to Reykjavík to do some work on behalf of the FED even though neither of them were formal members of that office, they briefly investigate a small group of young people, approximately the same people that were later to be involved in the so called “Guðmund and Geirfinn“ affairs [22b X p208] [23].